Poco Dios' 'Happy Tail'


Poco's 'Happy Tail is in:

In December last year - we got a message from Nasim letting us know a new foster was on his way to her rescue. The second I saw the photo of Coco (then Poco Dios), I knew I had to foster him. Our little man Bentley is a picky boy and is VERY selective with which tiny dogs he loves so we knew there was a high possibility that we may be dealing with an unsuccessful foster.

The very same day Coco arrived at BUTTONNOSES we picked him up and took him home. Coco and Bentley were instantly bonded and we knew right away that this was going to be a successful foster. Ironically this ended up being a foster fail, but only because a week later we officially adopted Coco. We knew from the minute Coco entered our home he was a part of our family and nothing would change that. We love him more than words can describe and our only wish is that he would’ve come into our lives even sooner.

Thank you BUTTONNOSES for giving us Coco and for EVERYTHING you do for all tiny dogs!
— Erin (Coco & Bentley's mom)